Executive Research Fellow

kenichiro.takao.92★meij.or.jp (Please replace ★ with @)
Research Interests
Professional Experiences
2/2011 - 2/2013 Researcher, The Embassy of Japan in Saudi Arabia
10/2013 - 9/2014 Collaborative Fellow, The Sophia University Institute of Asian Cultures
4/2014 - 3/2016 Analyst, Intelligence and Analysis Service, Ministry of Foreign Affaires
10/2014 - 3/2016 Visiting Fellow, The Sophia University Institute of Asian Cultures
4/2015 - 3/2017 Part-time lecturer, College of Sociology, Rikkyo University
4/2016 - 3/2019 PD Research Fellow, The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
4/2017 - Today Part-time lecturer, Tsuda University
4/2017 - Today Part-time lecturer, Gakushuin Women's College
4/2019 - Today Junior Fellow, The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
4/2019 - Today Research Fellow, Middle East Institute of Japan
4/1998 - 3/2002 Ryukoku Univeristy (BA)
4/2004 - 3/2006 Doshisha Univerisity, Graduate School of Theology (MA)
4/2006 - 9/2013 Doshisha Univerisity, Graduate School of Theology (Th.D., 9/2014)
2011. "Shaykhs Facing ‘Orthodoxy’ and ‘Moderation’: the Case of Ahmad Kuftaru in Modern Syria," Orient: Reports of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, 46 97-117.
2013. "A Review of the Social Contribution of Religion: The Case of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Saudi Arabia and its Ambivalence in Society," Religion and Society, 19, 65-78.
2013. "Sufi Traditions in Modern Syria: Prosopography of the Ulemas of Damascus in the Thirteenth to Fifteenth Hijri Centuries and the Naqshbandi Khalidi Sufi Order," The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies, 31, 17-34.
2014. "Salafism for Saudi Arabia: Nation's Ideology, Sunni Orthodoxy and Counter Terrorism," Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 520, 65-73.
2015. "Governance in the 'Islamic State' and 'Hisba'," Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 523, 90-100.
2015. "The Application and Expansion of Hisba in Saudi Arabia: The Case of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice," The World of Islam, 83, 31-58.
2016. "Formation of Religious Society by 'Islamic State'," The Journal of Applied Sociology, 58, 233-242.
2017. "The Transition and the Role of Religious Establishment in Saudi Arabia," Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 530, 58-69.
2018. "'Religious Police' in Contemporary Muslim Society: the Case of Aceh, Indonesia," Bulletin of Gakushuin Women's College, 20, 63-77.
2019. "'Reforsm' and the Religious Establishment in Saudi Arabia," Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 534, 33-44.
2019. "Policing Public Morality in Modern Muslim Societies: ‘Religious Police’ in Saudi Arabia, ‘Islamic State’ and Aceh," Journal of Islamic Area Studies, 11, 3-28.
2019. "Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice as the Founding Ideology for Saudi Arabia and Iran, "Bulletin of Gakushuin Women's College, 21, 69-81.